Brazilian Horse Ep. 1: Three Mega Busty Gringas are Dominated by a Giant Latino Hunk
2 weeks ago
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Artist is Gigi Potemkin, with assets generated with Given that the artist is not listed on the website, the artist tag was set to Unknown Artist.
SFW video. Suitable for work, that is, it's not explicitly pornographic. This video (and similar versions) is meant for wider distribution online, so I keep things within the boundaries of what could be published, say, on YouTube.
Three arrogant gringas (as "foreigners" are jokingly called in Portuguese) go to Brazil to hunt for big, fat MANHOODS and potent, muscular hunks!
A Russian, a Swede, and an Asian gal. Three wildly different, but equally monstrously BUSTY babes who drive any man or woman INSANE everywhere they go.
They don't even address each other by their names--for when one is so physically blessed, oh, and so outrageously sexually endowed, one never needs to bother with names or any identity outside of their raging, horny sexes!
Three nameless beauties. Three ridiculously gorgeous and superhuman sexual fiends!
The Russian is the tallest of the trio, standing at 7 feet of ultra-slim, super-sexy and extremely thin height. She is the world's highest-paid supermodel and beauty influence, with long, flowing hair as black as the starless night skies. Her legs are long, long, almost infinitely long, her hips are generous, her backside is plump and healthy... but her breasts... oh, heavens, her mother******* breasts...! They are the stuff of legends!
The three of them have massive, colossal, oversized breasts. The Asian in particular suffers immensely with the colossal size of her offspring-rearing airbags. If the Russian is incredibly tall and amazingly thin, the Asian is very short and MONSTROUSLY CURVY!
Truly! She is the curviest, sexiest little piece bootylicious meat any country in the East has ever produced! Booming and abounding with not only a chest, but a BACKSIDE superior to that of any African matriarch!
The Russian is tall and thin. The Asian is curvy and short. Each of their bodies is inadequate to deal with the overwhelming mass of their breasts (and perhaps of their rears as well). Only one of them is powerful enough to hold her chest high and her shoulders straight with "just" a burning discomfort, not an ever-gnawing, burning pain.
The Swede. A Crossfit championness and fitness goddess, the Swedish Viking girl stands at 6'6'' (six feet and six inches) of height laden head-to-toe with large, swollen muscles. Long, flowing golden hair that burns as bright as the Sun! Piercing blue eyes and skin as soft as the angels!
Perfect, perfect, perfect! For those into super buff muscle mommies, she is the wettest of wet dreams come true!
These three devils have come to Brazil to taste the finest manhoods a woman could find, only to come out empty-handed. Perhaps it's their standards. Perhaps it's their discrimination. Perhaps it's the fact that they literally ran out of BIG MEN to ride and SWOLLEN STONES to dry.
Doesn't matter! The end result is the same: they came to Brazil horny as hell and they'll leave it frustrated, enraged, and cursing every Latino man, every tanned-skinned hunk who failed to bring them to climax, let alone to pour their womanhoods full of strong, virile offspring!
But then...!! Oh, then, my dear reader, a MIRACLE HAPPENED!
As they abscond away into a secluded, reserved private beach, the three stunners are, for once, STUNNED to discover that they are not really alone, oh, no... and that not only are they not alone, but the CREATURE they've stumbled upon might be JUST WHAT THEY NEEDED, no, just what they CRAVED FOR all their lives!
A man... no. Scratch this! A BULL!! A HORSE!! A purebred, uber-muscular Brazilian hunk with god-like face, god-like muscles, god-like pecs and arms and shoulders and OH MY ******* GOD, abs! Ten ultra-ripped, bulging, rippling, thundering abs literally larger than bricks!!
And his MANHOOD...!! OH, GOD!!! A MANDHOOD to put any other MANHOOD to shame! A two-feet-long virility... when it's soft. SOFT!!!
This is the tale of how this supreme Brazilian MONSTER taught these three arrogant women some humility... and elevated them beyond the highest peaks of PLEASURE with his throbbing, swelling, veiny-as-**** muscle BODY!!
SFW video. Suitable for work, that is, it's not explicitly pornographic. This video (and similar versions) is meant for wider distribution online, so I keep things within the boundaries of what could be published, say, on YouTube.
Three arrogant gringas (as "foreigners" are jokingly called in Portuguese) go to Brazil to hunt for big, fat MANHOODS and potent, muscular hunks!
A Russian, a Swede, and an Asian gal. Three wildly different, but equally monstrously BUSTY babes who drive any man or woman INSANE everywhere they go.
They don't even address each other by their names--for when one is so physically blessed, oh, and so outrageously sexually endowed, one never needs to bother with names or any identity outside of their raging, horny sexes!
Three nameless beauties. Three ridiculously gorgeous and superhuman sexual fiends!
The Russian is the tallest of the trio, standing at 7 feet of ultra-slim, super-sexy and extremely thin height. She is the world's highest-paid supermodel and beauty influence, with long, flowing hair as black as the starless night skies. Her legs are long, long, almost infinitely long, her hips are generous, her backside is plump and healthy... but her breasts... oh, heavens, her mother******* breasts...! They are the stuff of legends!
The three of them have massive, colossal, oversized breasts. The Asian in particular suffers immensely with the colossal size of her offspring-rearing airbags. If the Russian is incredibly tall and amazingly thin, the Asian is very short and MONSTROUSLY CURVY!
Truly! She is the curviest, sexiest little piece bootylicious meat any country in the East has ever produced! Booming and abounding with not only a chest, but a BACKSIDE superior to that of any African matriarch!
The Russian is tall and thin. The Asian is curvy and short. Each of their bodies is inadequate to deal with the overwhelming mass of their breasts (and perhaps of their rears as well). Only one of them is powerful enough to hold her chest high and her shoulders straight with "just" a burning discomfort, not an ever-gnawing, burning pain.
The Swede. A Crossfit championness and fitness goddess, the Swedish Viking girl stands at 6'6'' (six feet and six inches) of height laden head-to-toe with large, swollen muscles. Long, flowing golden hair that burns as bright as the Sun! Piercing blue eyes and skin as soft as the angels!
Perfect, perfect, perfect! For those into super buff muscle mommies, she is the wettest of wet dreams come true!
These three devils have come to Brazil to taste the finest manhoods a woman could find, only to come out empty-handed. Perhaps it's their standards. Perhaps it's their discrimination. Perhaps it's the fact that they literally ran out of BIG MEN to ride and SWOLLEN STONES to dry.
Doesn't matter! The end result is the same: they came to Brazil horny as hell and they'll leave it frustrated, enraged, and cursing every Latino man, every tanned-skinned hunk who failed to bring them to climax, let alone to pour their womanhoods full of strong, virile offspring!
But then...!! Oh, then, my dear reader, a MIRACLE HAPPENED!
As they abscond away into a secluded, reserved private beach, the three stunners are, for once, STUNNED to discover that they are not really alone, oh, no... and that not only are they not alone, but the CREATURE they've stumbled upon might be JUST WHAT THEY NEEDED, no, just what they CRAVED FOR all their lives!
A man... no. Scratch this! A BULL!! A HORSE!! A purebred, uber-muscular Brazilian hunk with god-like face, god-like muscles, god-like pecs and arms and shoulders and OH MY ******* GOD, abs! Ten ultra-ripped, bulging, rippling, thundering abs literally larger than bricks!!
And his MANHOOD...!! OH, GOD!!! A MANDHOOD to put any other MANHOOD to shame! A two-feet-long virility... when it's soft. SOFT!!!
This is the tale of how this supreme Brazilian MONSTER taught these three arrogant women some humility... and elevated them beyond the highest peaks of PLEASURE with his throbbing, swelling, veiny-as-**** muscle BODY!!